10 Best Nutella Chocolate Recipes in 10 minutes

10 best easy Nutella Chocolate recipes in 10 minutes.
First, we have 2 ingredients Nutella Chocolate lava cake and for this, you will need Nutella and two eggs separated.
Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks and then in a separate bowl whisk together the Nutella and the egg yolks. Now that mixture will be very thick so just warm it slightly in the microwave to make it a bit thinner and then mix through one-third of the egg whites to lighten it.
Add the rest and then fold it through until you can't see any more streaks of white. Take a bowl and brush the sides of it with melted butter, then add some sugar and swirl it around the bowl and tip it out. This just helps to stop it from sticking.
Wrap some baking paper around the outside of the bowl to stop it from flowing over when we bake it and then tie it firmly into place. Pour the mixture right up to the top of the bowl and then bake that in a hot oven until it rises.
Remove the baking paper, add a scoop of ice cream and some icing sugar on top and then scoop down to get that hot Nutella lava.
Next at number 2 we have 2 ingredients Nutella Chocolate mousse and for this, you'll need Nutella glass jar and cream, this one is super easy.
Add half of the cream and then mix that with the Ferrero Rocher Nutella and then add the remaining cream and whisk that on high speed until it thickens. Now you are essentially whipping the cream here so you don't want to over-whip it you're going to end up with a grainy mixture so just whip it until it's thick and you can see the sort of pattern of the beaters on it.
Then pour that into serving bowls and refrigerate it for about 4 hours before serving.
Coming in at number 3 we have Nutella truffles, again two ingredients for this one. Take a silicone ice cube tray and fill it with melted chocolate. Tip it over and then shake out the excess. Now make sure you do temper your chocolate or if you don't want to do that you can use compound chocolate instead.
Then smooth out the tops and let that set. Pipe some Ferrero Rocher Nutella into each chocolate and then top it up with more chocolate to seal it and smooth it off. And once that is set you can just turn it over and push them out of the mold.
And you can of course use milk or dark chocolate for these instead of white.
At number 4 we have Nutella star bread. Take some bread dough that has been risen once, and I'll put the recipe that I'm using on the website. Knock it down and then form it into a ball.
Cut that dough into three, then roll each portion into a flat circle. Make an impression with a plate and then spread some warmed Nutella into that circle on the first one. Add the next layer, some more Nutella glass jar, and then the top layer. Put the plate back on top and cut around it to make a circle and then use a cup to make a smaller circle in the center.
Cut from there to the edge in 4 places and then cut each of those in half and then cut each of those in half again. Now take one of your pieces and twist it twice. Take the bit next to it and twist it twice in the opposite direction and continue to do that the whole way around the circle.
Take two edges and join them together and continue that with the rest of them. Slide that onto a baking tray and leave it in a warm place for about 15 minutes until it's risen and spread out. Then bake it in the oven until it's baked through and warm and golden with Nutella streaks all the way through.
At number 5 we have Nutella Pastry Star. And this is my cheats way of making the bread star. Cut three circles of puff pastry and spread them with Nutella glass jar and stack them just like we did for the bread version.
Cut it and twist it in the same way and then take 2 pieces that are next to each other and join them together by pushing down with a fork. Bake that in the oven until it's puffed and crisp.
At number 6 we have Ferrero Nutella icy poles and for these, you'll need Nutella, cocoa powder, corn flour, milk, and vanilla. Put the vanilla, a little bit of the milk, the corn flour, and the cocoa into a saucepan and whisk it until there are no lumps. Then add in the rest of the milk and the Nutella chocolate.
The heat that over high heat, stirring it continuously until it starts to bubble and then keep stirring it for another minute so that it thickens up nicely. Pour this mixture into icy pole molds and of course, you could just use the mousse that we made with the cream and the Nutella for this but these are a little bit healthier with the milk instead of the cream. Then add your 4 sticks and freeze those until they're solid.
At number 7 we have a Ferrero Nutella mug cake and for this, you'll need milk, Nutella, cocoa powder, egg, sugar, baking powder, and plain flour. Place the flour, baking powder, sugar, and cocoa powder into a bowl and whisk it to get rid of any lumps.
Add in the egg, milk, and that Nutella and whisk it until it's just combined. Pour that into two cups so that they're both about half full and microwave it for 70 to 90 seconds depending on the wattage of your microwave. And then sprinkle that with icing sugar and serve it immediately.
Number 8 we have 2 ingredients Nutella soft serve. And for this, you'll need 4 bananas. Peel your bananas and slice them up into a plastic container and repeat that with all of them.
Then put that in the freezer for a few hours. Once it's frozen put the Nutella and the bananas into a food processor and process it until it's thick and smooth. Place it into a piping bag and pipe onto the ice cream cones. Now it's the banana here that makes these thick and the Nutella Chocolate that's making it sweet and creamy.
Number 9 we have yummy, crunchy 4-ingredient cookies. For this, you'll need flour, Nutella glass jar of course, sugar, and an egg.
Add all of the ingredients into a bowl and stir them together and you'll end up with a thick, crumbly mixture like this. Place tablespoons of that mixture onto baking paper and then slide that onto a baking tray and bake in the oven until they're crisp.
At number 10, my favorite, we have 2 ingredient Nutella Chocolate brownies.
And for this, you need some warmed Nutella and eggs. Place the eggs in the bowl of an electric mixer and whisk on high speed for about 5 minutes or until they're thick and foamy like this.
Mix one-third of the eggs with the warmed Nutella and mix them well, then folding the remaining eggs, making sure you don't over mix this, we want to keep lots of that air in here.
Pour that into a baking tin and bake it for 10 minutes.
Where to buy Nutella?
You can buy your Nutella online on your Italian Grocery Store named Cibusdirect.com. Cibus direct is your one time store that sells authentic Italian food online delivered to your door.
- Cibus Direct
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